
Today everyone is seen as a possible musical star. How do you look? We can put you together with a team, we can build a monolith. But you used to need something extra, we called that talent, and it had nothing to do with self-promotion, but raw musical creation. Our artists had insight, they were beacons. Sinéad was constantly pushing the envelope, warning others of the ills of the music industry, but her statements fell on deaf ears. Seen any real repercussions of #MeToo in the music business? No. It's an independent contractor enterprise run by men. Of course there are women, but oftentimes they have the values of men. Criticize me all you want, but this is frequently true, because you have to have that killer instinct to survive. - Bob Lefsetz

we love the motto… but the execution? 3 mega music industry dudes who sell their consulting services (aka phone calls) to trust fund artists who can afford them

we love the motto… but the execution? 3 mega music industry dudes who sell their consulting services (aka phone calls) to trust fund artists who can afford them

No offense to these guys they seem fun :) but they’re a good case and point…

No offense to these guys they seem fun :) but they’re a good case and point…



The music industry is like A Tale of Two Cities, there is one city with glittering lights and disco balls, with beautiful people in gorgeous clothing — artists and music executives chasing fame and money and then the people [Splice] serves - a place with dull, poor lighting; where creators work in the basements of their homes - Kakul Srivastava CEO of Splice

The music business remains the hallowed dream thresher of lore, idealists and softies ground to dust in its gears. It is run by cynics, driven by perverse profit imperatives, and horribly regulated. - Jon Tanners


There are many qualities one must possess to be a working writer or artist. Talent, brains, tenacity. Wealthy parents are good. You should definitely try to have those. But first among equals, when it comes to necessary ingredients, is selfishness. A book is made out of small selfishness. The selfishness of shutting the door against your family. The selfishness of shutting your door against your family. The selfishness of ignoring the pram in the hall. The selfishness of forgetting the real world to create a new one. - Claire Dederee from “Monsters”


.05% of the artists who released music on Spotify made $10k or more off of streaming.

Only 50,000 artists have made $10k+ off of streaming revenue.
